Contact us

Because every mobility situation is different (depending on the length of stay, the nationality and country of residence of the artist or culture professional, the type of activity conducted, the country where the potential employer is established…), please provide the following details in order to receive a tailored response to your specific questions.

Thank you to submit your questions only after having read our website “information” pages (visas and residency permits, work permits and regulations, social security cover and contributions, tax, insurance and everyday life).

This free service is available thanks to the support of the French Ministry of Culture and the Centre national de la musique.
The information provided will remain confidential, and used solely for the purpose of processing your request.

    Your profile

    Press Ctrl+Click to select several choices

    Press Ctrl+Click to select several choices

    Under 20Between 20 and 29Between 30 and 39Between 40 and 49Over 49 Press Ctrl+Click to select several choices
    Press Ctrl+Click to select several choices

    Press Ctrl+Click to select several choices

    Press Ctrl+Click to select several choices

    Under 20Between 20 and 29Between 30 and 39Between 40 and 49Over 49

    Your project

    Visual artsAudiovisual media, cinema, multimedia, digital artsCircus, street arts, puppet and object theaterDancePublishing, graphic design, architectureMusicTheatreMultidisciplinaryOther

    Performances, exhibitionsTrainingCreationDanceArtistic researchResidencyInternshipOther

    Please specify a planned date of arrival in France or start date of your project.

    Your question

    VisaResidency permitWork permit / work legislationSocial contributions / social security coverTaxesInsuranceDaily lifeOther

    Files must be less than 2 MB.

    Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf.

    Your contact details


    Further information

    Internet searchFrom a cultural organisation, an artistFrom a professional organisation (network, union...)From a government administrationOther

    The information supplied in this form will be subject to computer processing. In accordance with the Data Projection Act of January 6th, 1978, you have a right of access and rectify your personal data at any time. If you wish to exercise this right and access your personal data, please write to:
